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Creating an icon

Avatar of Drieick


Category: Art
Level: Intermediate
Created: Monday February 25, 2008 - 3:32
Updated: Monday February 25, 2008 - 4:58
Views: 9448
Summary: How to make an icon and impliment it into Empire At War


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Next, simply take a picture by pressing the "PrtSc/SysRq" button; let's just call it "Print Screen." If you don't know where it is, should be located near the number pad.

Open up Paint.NET and open a new file, if need be, and paste it in (Crtl + V). You should see something like this:

User image
A picture of a picture

Now, it's just a simple job of cropping the image and then erasing the green around the ship. I suggest cropping it to whatever you want, then resizing it to 50x50 pixels; it'll make erasing the green icky stuff a lot easier.

A tip: erase over a black background; it'll make spotting "green icky stuff" a lot easier:

User image

You can rid of the layer after you're done, of course. In fact, do get rid of it; unless you want the icon to have a black background in-game.

After you are done, save it as a DDS and not a TGA - I'll explain later.
Save it as a 32-bit DDS and Compress it:

User image

Links / Downloads

Arc Hammer icon, 50x1002568February 25, 2008 - 4:39
Click here to download DDS Converter 2.13059February 25, 2008 - 4:24


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Trainzkid - Monday February 21, 2011 - 18:29

hey, um, im at the MTD editor part and i found the file Mt_commandbar.mtd but i cant find the file Mt_commandbar.tga ANYWHERE!!! can u tell me where it should be located?


nvm figured it out.>.<

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