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Death Clone Creation

Avatar of Dr. Nick

Dr. Nick

Category: Art
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday February 19, 2008 - 21:45
Updated: Friday February 22, 2008 - 16:32
Views: 6472
Summary: This tutorial will show you how to make a death clone with timed explosions at the end.


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19) Right click on a key to have a window pop up. For time 0 and 279, make sure the value

is 1.0. For time 280, make sure the value is 0.

User image

20) Add keys at the same times for the other point. This time, make time 0 and 279 have a

value of 0 and 280 have a value of 1.

User image

21) In the alamo utility, go down to animation and add an anim. Then put 0 for start and

300 for end.

User image

22) With all that done, reapply the shader material to your model and export!

Hope this helped. smile

(Yeah, there are other tuts, but this one was pretty much rotting in a corner...might as well let people use different styles when making DCs tung)

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