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SFX Map Generation

Avatar of Dr. Nick

Dr. Nick

Category: Art
Level: Intermediate
Created: Thursday April 23, 2009 - 14:54
Updated: Thursday April 23, 2009 - 15:00
Views: 7012
Summary: How to create SFX Map information for synchronized sounds (ie: footsteps, explosions, etc)


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Animation SFX Map Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to have properly timed animation SFX maps for any animation.

What you need
-3d Studio Max 6, 8, or 9
-SFX Map Generator
-ALO Viewer
-ALO Importer (Optional)

What is an animation SFX map
An animation SFX map is basically a sound or decal event that occurs at the time that you specify in AnimationSFXMaps.txt. You can have a surface effect spawn or a sound play at the time that you list. You can have more than one event per animation. An easy way to test your animation SFX maps is using Mike.NL's useful ALO Viewer.

Now onto getting the times for your sound and surface events.

Links / Downloads

SFX Map Gen2239April 23, 2009 - 15:00

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