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Return to Honoghr

Map for Empire at War EAW

Avatar of Banshee


Category: Skirmish/Multiplayer Maps
Created: Monday September 29, 2008 - 9:25
Updated: Monday September 29, 2008 - 12:05
Views: 3224
Summary: 4 players EAW space map.


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4 players EAW space map. Submitted to the EAW Map Making Contest in 2006.

Created by bczretribution, Return to Honoghr is set in orbit around the Norghi home world. The planet had been decimated after wreaks from a battle had crashed onto the planet. Darth Vader offered the Norghi the help of the empire to repair their planet. In reality his "help" was keeping the planet poisoned so that the Norghi (who made excellent bodyguards and assassins) remained in debt to the Empire. Years later during the Thrawn crisis Leia traveled to Honoghr (unknown to the Republic prior to that point) and discovered the deceit of her father. She used the resources of the republic to start the repair of the planet in earnest. In return the Norghi swore allegiance to her and the Republic. Shortly thereafter Thrawn's Norghi bodyguards ambushed him and killed him, ending the war.
What if Thrawn had found out about the deceit of the Norghi before it was too late? What if he had sent a task force back to the planet to take it back from the alliance? What if he RETURNED TO HONOGHR!

Hints for both Rebel and Imperial players: use the terrain to your advantage; there are many seemingly insignificant features that if used properly could win you the battle.

Map description: 6 players. Neither side has any real advantage over the other. The republic having just acquired the planet has only had time to put some basic defenses in place. Thrawn having most of his forces tied up in critical missions to his master plan could only send a minor force to deal with this unforeseen turn of events until some more ships were freed up. Both sides start with a level 1 base that spawns garrisons in a corner, a resource asteroid and 2 defense satellites that are easily capturable. In the center there are 3 resource asteroids and 4 defense satellites. On either side of this are large clouds of nebulae (the very centers of the clouds lower shields the rest does not). The remaining corners have 2 defense satellites and 2 resource asteroids surrounded by asteroid fields. Finally there are some burned out shells of warships left over from the original battle that have yet to crash into the planet.

A word from the creator: when I designed this map I wanted to make it look and feel like it could have come shipped with the game, with 2 exceptions. There had been 2 things about all the multiplayer maps that I felt needed to be remedied. The first was how there were never enough resource asteroids on the map to give at least a 1 to 1 ratio with the maximum number of players. This map has 9, I have found through play testing that this is enough to give everyone a decent amount of money, allow a good amount of advantage to the side with the majority without making them overpowered, all while not providing too much money to the point that players would not be able to spend it. The second thing was I felt that 1 or 2 of the multiplayer maps at least should have garrisons, or have that as an option that you could turn on. I have added them to this map to make the battle a bit more “epic” and bloody without unbalancing things and making it a endless brute force slug fest, and to give players the ability to have enough ships to be able to do more then basic battle tactics by implementing things like several way splits ambushes and back door assaults, and fully take advantage of the opportunities provided by the maps terrain.

Note: I have made the map as perfectly balanced as I can, however my map suffers from the same starting unit glitch as every other custom space map (witch I have tried to account for some without making it overly unbalanced in the event that they eventually fix the glitch) causing the unbalance to favor one side or the other depending on if starting units are enabled or not.

Links / Downloads

Download Return to Honoghr1957September 29, 2008 - 9:27


Created by bczretribution

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